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德高機械 Degao Machinery


  • 聯(lián)系金先生咨詢:


  • 熱搜關(guān)鍵詞: 視覺定位機、 制盒機、 禮盒機、 皮殼機、 成型機、 貼角機、
    詳情說明 / Details


    本著迎合客戶需求和普及市場的發(fā)展趨勢,牢記質(zhì)量成就品牌的信念,堅持自主創(chuàng)新,高效科學的設計理念, 經(jīng)過我們不懈的努力而推出的一款機型。

    Product introduction

    In ine with the development trend of catering to customer needs and popularizing the market, bear in mind the belief that quality makes the brand, adhere to the independent innovation, fficient and scientific design concept,through our unremiting fforts to launch a new model.This machine mainly chooses the seryo and the mechanical movement, takes the pneumatic as the auxiliary movement moderm design idea, USES the servo accurate, the mechanical stability, the pneumatic succinctness, has achieved the machine precise but does not reduce, accurate but does not lock the perfect effect.


    1.臺達伺服,自主設計控制程序,施耐德電氣,進口氣動 ,加厚機架一次加工成型,王牌鋼精磨橫梁與滑塊滑座,進口導軌堅固耐用。


    1. Della servo, independent design control program, Schnelder elecncs. mported peumatic divoframe one time molding by CNC Good quality sliding blocks and guide ral forming sturdy and durable machine
    2. Feeding with servo device, easy operate and avold BwO paper feeding problem.
    3. Mold press taping. servo dnving. can set speed, inching, aulo drecly and enay adjust
    4. With zero scale for adjust for comer taping. separate oordinale adjustment, vertical and h
    5. Taping mold is copper, fast heating and shock and wear resstance.
    6. Tape feding part: PET transparent tape, paper tape can be used. appying mechenical tasmissions through heragonal rod and bevel gears, tape feding standard and avoid tape fftset or jam.
    7 Compect design, smal size and easy operale Can drecly conned o the assembly ine to perfom the next pocss.
  • 關(guān)于德高

    公司簡介 榮譽資質(zhì) 合作伙伴 廠房車間 客戶案例
  • 產(chǎn)品中心

    全自動智能制盒機 機械手影像定位機 禮品盒伺服成型機 全自動紙盒貼角機 禮品盒機械非標定制
  • 新聞中心

    公司動態(tài) 行業(yè)資訊 常見問題
  • 聯(lián)系方式

    金 坤:13925867976

    金 培 煜:13925867976

    金 鑫:18926882708

    地 址:東莞市道滘鎮(zhèn)昌平村百代工業(yè)園四棟一樓
  • 掃描進入手機站

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